Create a new vault on PLS

Self custody

Crucible is a smart contract that lets users participate in reward programs using Proof of Stake. Users can keep control of their staked tokens while participating in a program.


As users maintain control of their staked tokens, users funds are not pooled at a single point of failure, proving to be a safer and more accepted solution to participants.

capital efficient

You can run multiple reward programs using the same staking taken, allowing users to re-use the same staking balance which in turn adds an additional lock to the balance


Before starting, please spend a few minutes to familiarise yourself with our reward program documentation.

Launching a reward program is permissionless and is done via our factory. We welcome all protocols to launch a reward program via Crucible; giving you instant access to a vast, already existing community.

Programs that appear to be made in bad faith will be delisted.
Programs that are deployed by new/unrecognised wallets will be automatically classified as Unverified. Please reach out to us on Discord if you wish to become a verified reward program maintainer.

Token pricing data is retrieved from Coingecko & Fjord LBPS (historical pricing). Uniswap V2 & Balancer Pool Tokens are supported for automatic valuation (if underlying tokens are on coingecko), other pools such as AAVE can be supported by request. If your tokens are not being priced please ensure it is listed on Coingecko before contacting us.